加强统筹协调 增强宏观政策取向一致性(附英文版)

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  党的二十届三中全会提出,科学的宏观调控、有效的政府治理是发挥社会主义市场经济体制优势的内在要求。必须完善宏观调控制度体系,统筹推进财税、金融等重点领域改革,增强宏观政策取向一致性。  2024年以来,财政政策实施力度持续加大,超长期国债供给大幅增加。1―8月,国债发行规模为8.4万亿元,同比增...


加强统筹协调 增强宏观政策取向一致性(附英文版)






加强统筹协调 增强宏观政策取向一致性(附英文版)

  ◇ 本文原载《债券》2024年9月刊

  ◇ 作者:钟言

  ◇ 编辑:陈森 刘颖

  Strengthening Planning and Coordination and Enhancing the Consistency of Macro Policy Orientation

  Zhong Yan

加强统筹协调 增强宏观政策取向一致性(附英文版)

  At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, it was pointed out that proper macro-control and effective government governance are the inherent prerequisites for leveraging the advantages of the socialist market economic system. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the macro-control system, promote the reform in key areas such as finance and taxation, and enhance the consistency of macro-policy orientation.

  Since 2024, the fiscal policy has intensified by augmenting the supply of ultra-long-term treasury bonds. From January to August, the issuance of treasury bonds was RMB8.4 trillion, up 33% year-on-year. The issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds was RMB822 billion, a year-on-year increase of 257%, which played an active role in supporting major national initiatives and key areas. At the same time, the use of the central budget and the issuance of local government bonds were accelerated to maintain  economic recovery. During this period, the yield of 10-year treasury bonds fell by 39 bps, and the credit spread narrowed to a historical low.

  The monetary policy maintains a supportive position and provides financial support for sustained economic recovery. Monetary policy tools and framework mechanisms are changing. In accordance with the Central Financial Work Conference, in August 2024, the People’s Bank of China launched the operation of buying and selling treasury bonds in the open market, buying short-term bonds from primary dealers and selling long-term bonds. The net value of bonds bought in August reached RMB100 billion. This operation could slow down the unilateral downward trend of the treasury yield curve at the long-end, and also facilitate the regulation goal of bringing down short-term interest rates, thus better leveraging the role of interest rates as a price-based regulatory tool.

  To support steady economic growth at the current stage and promote high-quality development in the long term, it is necessary to further increase the issuance of treasury bonds. From the perspective of macro-economy, sustained fiscal support from increased supply of treasury bonds is required for expanding the domestic demand, improving market expectations, preventing financial risks and achieving this year’s economic growth target. In terms of the financial market, in the context of an “asset shortage”, the market has a strong demand of long-term treasury bonds and therefore increasing the supply of treasury bonds help lead to a balance between supply and demand in the bond market. Besides, there is ample room for the expansion of treasury bond issuance. At present, the ratio of China’s central government debt to its GDP is less than 30%, far lower than that of developed economies such as the US and Japan.

  With the increased issuance of treasury bonds, it is necessary to strengthen policy coordination and improve the corresponding supporting measures. First, it is proposed to provide proper liquidity for the issuance of treasury bonds by lowering the RRR, increasing the net supply in the open market, and encouraging commercial banks to flexibly adjust their reserves. Second, it is suggested to adjust interest rates in a timely and appropriate manner, gradually increase the buying and selling of treasury bonds in the open market, coordinate the policy interest rate and market-based interest rates, and improve the efficiency of policy transmission. The third is to provide more interest rate risk management tools. To this end, it is necessary to include more participants into the treasury bond futures market in a prudent manner, launch treasury bond option products in a proper manner, and promote the sound interaction and development of the futures market and the spot market. The fourth is to deepen the opening-up of the treasury bond market. Enhanced connectivity between overseas information platforms and the domestic primary market could make it more convenient for overseas investors to participate in the primary market of treasury bonds.

  In the face of the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, the steady promotion of the Chinese path to modernization and high-quality development requires effective macro policies. Strengthening overall planning and coordination, and enhancing the consistency of macro policy orientation, is conducive to balancing the three major goals of short-term stability, long-term growth, and structural optimization, thus providing strong policy support for the high-quality development of the Chinese economy.

  ◇ Editors: Chen Sen, Liu Ying



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