苹果消息人士称,iPhone 17 Pro Max将配备12GB的DRAM和升级版冷却系统,增强版人工智能功能可能成为其“重要卖点”。

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Renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has disclosed major improvements for Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone 17 Pro Max, ahead of the much-awaited 2025 iPhone lineup.

苹果消息人士称,iPhone 17 Pro Max将配备12GB的DRAM和升级版冷却系统,增强版人工智能功能可能成为其“重要卖点”。

What Happened: Kuo of TF Securities revealed on X that the iPhone 17 Pro Max will be equipped with 12GB DRAM, while other models like the ultra-thin iPhone, iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, and SE4 will have 8GB.

"Enhanced on-device AI capabilities will likely be a major selling point for the iPhone 17 Pro Max," wrote Kuo.

Kuo also mentioned that the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature an upgraded cooling system combining vapor chamber (VC) technology and graphite sheets. Other 2025 iPhone models will continue to use only graphite sheets for thermal management.

The Pro Max currently represents nearly 40% of new model shipments, significantly contributing to Apple Inc. 's revenue and profit among hardware products. The strategy of offering the best specifications for the Pro Max, beyond just a larger display, is expected to persist, according to Kuo.

苹果消息人士称,iPhone 17 Pro Max将配备12GB的DRAM和升级版冷却系统,增强版人工智能功能可能成为其“重要卖点”。

Among the 2025 new iPhone models, only the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature the following specifications:

1. 12GB DRAM (while the ultra-thin iPhone, iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, and SE4 will all have 8GB). Enhanced on-device AI capabilities will likely be a major selling point for...

Why It Matters: The speculations of the iPhone 17 Pro Max's advanced features comes on the heels of Apple's strategic moves to innovate and capture market share. The upcoming iPhone 17 "Air," expected to launch in 2025, is rumored to have a sleeker design, potentially driving significant customer upgrades.

Gene Munster, managing partner at Deepwater Asset Management, highlighted that Apple's biggest upgrade cycles have historically coincided with noticeable design changes.

苹果消息人士称,iPhone 17 Pro Max将配备12GB的DRAM和升级版冷却系统,增强版人工智能功能可能成为其“重要卖点”。

Moreover, the launch of the AI-enabled iPhone 16 series is anticipated to kickstart a "historical period" for Apple, according to Wedbush analyst Dan Ives. He emphasized that the iPhone 16's AI capabilities could set in motion Apple's biggest upgrade cycle in history, potentially pushing the company's valuation past $4 trillion.

Additionally, Kuo predicted in October that the iPhone 17 may incorporate Resin Coated Copper (RCC) technology for its mainboard. This innovation could offer enhanced internal space and cost-saving benefits, potentially eliminating the need for bulky power banks.

Steve Jobs Once Said He Was A Millionaire At 23, Worth $10M By 24, And Had $100M by 25 — This Shaped His Decision To Stay On A $1 Salary Throughout His Time At Apple

Image via Shutterstock

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote



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